Weather permitting, from about the third week of
October until the end of April, the shuffleboard
courts will be cleaned and ready for play at 11:30
am also at 1:00 pm each Monday. We normally draw a
partner at random from playing cards and play three
games, lasting about ninety minutes or so. It’s
quite informal, and beginners are always welcome.
You may come to play as you are able, no sign up or
commitment to attend each week.
Shuffleboard equipment and the key to unlock the
shuffleboard area are available to all PLV owners
and currently stored in a game cabinet (pucks & wax)
in the pool room and also in the utility room
(sticks & wax spreader). In the game cabinet you
will find the supplies you will need and the courts
usage procedures. Please feel to use the amenity
any time you would like to. We thank the board and
the residents whom, through our HOA dues and
volunteer labor, provide and maintain this valuable
asset and the equipment. It is a pleasure to have
such a nice place for this entertainment.
have been averaging sixteen or more players each
week, so far this season. This required the need for
two different starting times. By having two
starting times, it also provides a great opportunity
to include even more people. If you have not played
before, or in long while, please consider joining us
Mondays at 11:30 am or 1:00 pm for some light
exercise with a fun loving group of PLV residents.
Come give it a try! Come join the fun!
Respectively submitted,
Larry Albright
602-788-9727 |